Due to the federal grantmaking pause, we are not currently accepting inquiries in our Federal Access Center. Learn More.

We’re excited to announce two JTF-supported projects recently won funding through the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC)’s Appalachian Regional Initiative for Stronger Economies (ARISE)! ARISE makes grants to multi-state collaboratives driving large-scale economic development efforts throughout Appalachia. Learn about our partners and their transformative projects below:

  • Invest Appalachia received a $496,500 planning grant for the Appalachian Downtown Developers Initiative. This planning project will develop a 5-year implementation plan to support 165 communities in revitalizing their downtown areas throughout Appalachian WV, KY, VA, and NC.  The initiative will support community-based real estate developers through technical assistance products and trainings, financial capacity-building, peer-supported development models, and more. See more detail about the project in the ARC announcement here.
  • The Appalachian Wildlife Foundation and the Cumberland Trails Conference received  $9,316,181 for the Boone’s Ridge and Cumberland Trails Conference Improvements project. This funding will support infrastructure development for Boone’s Ridge, an outdoor recreation tourist destination located on former mine land in Appalachian Kentucky and Tennessee. This funding will also support the completion and maintenance of the Cumberland Trail by the Cumberland Trails Conference. See more detail about the project in the ARC announcement here.

Through our Federal Access Center, JTF provided matching funds to support these three partners in developing their ARISE applications. The FAC assists coal communities in overcoming a range of barriers to accessing federal funds – such as high matching requirements, time-intensive application processes, the need for professional grantwriters – to help them leverage historic amounts of federal funding now available to strengthen local economies.

If you are working in a transitioning coal community and need assistance applying for federal funds, please contact us by filling out this brief inquiry form.

Congratulations to our partners!

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