As the Director of Communications at JTF, Camille is responsible for orchestrating and overseeing strategic communications and media relations to advance JTF’s mission, vision, and organizational initiatives.

She brings more than a decade of award-winning communications and marketing experience from grassroots, private, and nonprofit sectors worldwide. She began her career as a publicist in Las Vegas and then transitioned to serving as a Community Health Advisor in Peace Corps Madagascar. There, she concentrated on behavior change communication and capacity building to uplift the wellbeing and quality of life in rural areas. Upon her return, she transitioned into the nonprofit field to lead communications teams at mission-driven organizations. Camille earned her Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations at Bradley University where she became a decorated collegiate speech competitor. Camille is deeply committed to the art of masterful branding and storytelling as drivers for social progress. She firmly believes that real influence and meaningful change emerge at the intersection of innovation and accountability.

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