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In Becker, Minnesota, the planned closure of a coal-fired power plant will erode nearly three-quarters of the city’s tax base over the next five years. To support the emergence of new business throughout the transition, the City of Becker is proposing to develop a hybrid business accelerator and education training center. The center will serve as a space for affordable coworking options for remote workers and professionals, an accelerator for early-stage and growing entrepreneurs, and an education and workforce training center. The city envisions a hub of economic activity that will create space for innovation and resource-sharing that will serve as the entrepreneurial center for all of Sherburne County.

“Being a recipient of this grant has been foundational in our overall goal for our city.  Without the support of JTF, the City of Becker would not have been able to move forward with our project.  Through this grant, the city has sponsored multiple cohorts and workshops with local students, entrepreneurs, and business owners through I Like That Academy (ILT Academy) to support and encourage them through the decommissioning of our coal plant.  This is the beginning stage of our project, with the technical assistance offered, we were able to hire a consultant to conduct a market analysis and feasibility study for a business incubator for our region.  If a business incubator is found feasible, we will be moving forward with applying for Federal EDA funding through their EAA grant.  We are extremely grateful for the opportunity to work with JTF and see our goals come to fruition!”

– Nicole Smude, Economic Development Coordinator, City of Becker, MN



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