Photo credit to Sam Levitan and the Natural Capital Investment Fund


Innovative Solutions

After years of work on the ground, we are uniquely positioned to identify the most innovative, locally led solutions to workforce and economic development challenges. Local leaders trust us as a partner and know we can swiftly deploy support through our regular grantmaking cycles, our rapid response funding, and other opportunities.


Public-Private Partnerships

We are ready to partner with private companies who are interested in leveraging the historic levels of available funding to develop community-driven projects in energy communities. We can leverage our expertise and trusted relationships to help find coal community partners for a potential project, build public-private partnerships in a specific coal community, develop a community benefit engagement strategy, endorse projects with letters of support, and more. Please reach out to us here to start a conversation.




Funding Partners

We are grateful to the following partners for their generous support of this work. The JTF has additional funding partners who wish to remain anonymous.







The Brunckhorst Foundation


























Tortuga Charitable Foundation




Partner With Us

Get in touch to learn more about partnering with the Just Transition Fund.