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We want to make you aware of this exciting grant opportunity! The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)’s Climate Ready Workforce program is seeking applications to support climate resilient workforce programs in coastal states and territories. Check out the details below and contact our Federal Access Center if you could use support applying!

What is the opportunity?

The goal of NOAA’s Climate Resilient Workforce Program is to place people across the country into good jobs that advance climate resilience and assist employers in developing a 21st-century workforce that is climate literate, informed by climate resilience and skilled at addressing consequent challenges.

How much funding is available?

10-20 awards: amounts ranging from $500,000-$10 million each

Who is eligible?

State, tribal, territorial/local governments, higher education institutions, and NGOs in coastal states or territories, including these coal-impacted states: AK, AL, CA, DE, FL, GA, HI, IL, IN, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MS, NC, NH, NY, OH, OR, PA, SC, TX, VA, WA, WI

What is the match requirement?

There is no match requirement!

What kind of work is funded?

This program seeks to fund partnerships that will work collaboratively to support regional economies and their associated workforces to develop training programs that build in-demand skills, offer wraparound services (such as transportation, childcare, elder care, and housing services), and help workers enter or advance into good jobs that enhance climate resilience.

What kind of workforce programs are eligible?

This opportunity funds workforce programs that promote climate resilience, which they define as skills that reduce exposure, vulnerability, and risk to climate-related impacts, and that design, build, operate, maintain, and/or improve the infrastructure needed to reduce climate-related vulnerability. For example, training health care workers in heat-related illness care, landscape workers in erosion prevention, and government workers in stormwater management. This program can fund training in skills for new or existing positions. More resources can be found in the U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit.

What’s the deadline?

  • Letters of Intent are due by 11:59 pm Eastern Time on November 30, 2023.
  • Invited applications will be due by 11:59 pm Eastern Time on February 13, 2024.

How can the JTF help?

We provide grants of up to $100,000 and technical assistance to help organizations and local governments access federal funding opportunities like NOAA’s Climate Ready Workforce Program. Fill out our Federal Access Center interest form to connect with us and learn more!

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